Montserrat Martí Caballé

Recital de opera y zarzuela

She was born in Barcelona and is the daughter of the famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé and Spanish tenor Bernabé Martí. In 1993 he made his first appearance as a singer, with his mother, in the city of London. A year after a concert to raise funds for the victims of the Rwandan genocide, again with his mother. In 1998 he moved to Germany, where he began his solo career and where he won the role of Zerlina in Don Giovanni, presented at the State Opera in Hamburg. Mother and daughter have sung together sometimes, on stage and on record.


She performed her opera debut in the Hamburg Staatsoper as Zerlina in Don Giovanni: “She sang a delicious Zerlina” (Die Welt). “She was a Zerlina with a pure and solid soprano voice” (Hamburger Anzeigen und Nachrichten). “The main event of the night was the debut of Montserrat Martí: an impressive Zerlina. A young soprano with a well projected voice and a solid technique.” (Das Opernglas).

Since then she was back to Hamburg for another series of Don Giovanni representations. Se debuted in the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, as Liú in Tourandot, reported in the news as “the birth of a star” (La Vanguardia – 29th October 1999) and “the birth of a new diva” (ABC – 28th October 1999).

Pupil of the Maya Plisetskaya ballet, she decided to alternate such activity with studies of music and singing,, participating to charity concerts such as “Concierto de Solidaridad para Ruanda” in Palma de Mallorca Cathedral, at the presence of H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain, the Hampton Court Festival in a benefit concert for the la Royal Collection Trust in the presence of its Patron the Prince of Wales and for the Olga Havel Foundation to the benefit of the disabled children of Praga. She also sang for UNESCO in Paris under the direction of Zubin Mehta. Montserrat Martí also performed in several different concerts and recitals in Europe among which the Berlin Deutsch Oper, the Frankfurt Alte Oper, the Hamburg Musikhalle, the Vienna Musikverein, the Salle Gaveauin in Paris, the Internacional Music Festival of Castell de Peralada, the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, the Teatro Real of Madrid, the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre and the Maryinsky (Kirov) Theatre of San Petersburgo.

Recently performed in 10 rapresentations of the ‘Gianni Schicchi’,with the Opera of Calaunya, performed in the role of Mimí in the Boheme at the Opera of Tesaliniki and subsequently with the Opera of Catalunya. Has interpreted the Expo of Zaragoza hymn for its inauguration and also realised a tour of several concerts and recitals across Europe among which we can remember the Koln philharmonic, the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Munich Philharmonie and the Musikhalle of Hamburg. 


This Spanish baritone native of Zamora, is one of the most respected and appreciated baritones in the Spanish opera scene. He is specialised in Rossini and Spanish chamber music and lieder.

He has performed in the most important concert halls and theatres of Spain and Europe and in memorable concerts in the most important cathedrals at the presence of the King and Queen of Spain. He has been invited to sing together with the legendary Orfeón Donostiarra at the presence of her Majesty queen Sofia.

He has participated as leading lyrical voice and pianist to the tours of the famous late spanish artists Paco Valladares and Nati Mistral.

He has been protagonist of an extensive tour between 2014 and 2016 touching all of Saint Teresa of Ávila founded convents with the renown TV journalist Paloma Gómez Borrero. He has been Malatesta, Fígaro, Sharpless, Germont, Belcore, Papageno, liutenant Mora- les, Enrico, Marcello, Pin, Tio Salvador, Dandini and Taddeo in prestigious venues in Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Catania, Como, Parma, Bologna, Modena, Toulon, Paris, Vienna, Lisbn, Kiev, Lviv, Donetsk, Odessa, London, Moscow, Sofia, Bucarest, Frankfurt and Berlin among others.

He shared the stage with many great spanish and foreign singers and world renown compo- sers such as Antón García Abril, Cristobal Halffter, Miquel Ortega, Miguel Manzano, Juan Duran, Javier Centeno, Santiago Baez, David Rivas, Ernesto Monsalve, Manuel Comesaña, Manuel Millán, Jesús Legido, Victor Carvajo have written compositions especially for him. He has been pupil of the Maestro Pedro Lavirgen and of the great Teresa Berganza.

Furthermore he has established and recurring collaborations with the opera singers Montserrat Martí Caballé, Cecilia Lavilla Berganza and Simona Todaro-Pavarotti and with the spanish actresses Loles León, Charo Lopez and Maria Galiana, adding up more than 160 concerts between 2020 and 2021 throughout Spain and Europe despite the pandemic.

He was awarded with the "Prokifiev Artist" gold medal at the composer birthplace and with the silver medal of the Opera Friends in Lleida.


Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)

- L’amor mío

Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)

- Bolero

- Quaivoce, quia n-ote

- La fioraia fiorentina

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

- La ci darem la mano (Don Giovanni)

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)

- Sempre libera (La Traviata)

- Di provenza il mar ilsuol (La Traviata)

- Dúo Violetta - Germont (La Traviata)

Breve descanso de diez minutos

Fernando Obradors (1897-1945)

- Del cabello más sutil - En el pinar

Manuel de Falla (1876-1946)

- Nana - Polo

Manuel Penella (1880-1939 )

- Todas las mañanicas (Don Gil de Alcalá)

Gerónimo Giménez (1852-1923)

- Me llaman la primorosa (El Barbero de Sevilla)

José Serrano (1873-1941)

- Canción Hungara (Alma de Dios)

Federico Moreno Torroba (1891-1982)

- En mi tierra Extremeña (Luisa Fernanda)


  Ave María. 

A.STRADELLA (1643-1682) 

• Pietá Signore. 


• Plegaria a Nuestra Señora. 


• Pie Jesús. G. CACCINI 

• Ave María. J. HAYDN 

• Dúo de la Creación. 



Pastorcitos, venid a Belén. 

or qué sonríe mi niño. 

Ro, mi niño ro. 

Luis Santana. 

Campana sobre campana.

 Ay del chiquirritín. 

Nana de Manuel de Falla. 

Navidad en Verano . Ariel Ramírez 

Mille Cherubini in coro. F.Schubert 

White Christmas. Tradicional 



The artistic quality of the soprano Montserrat Martí Caballé is beyond reproach. The singer impressed by showing all the details and flavors that should characterize a singer willing to interpret a repertoire as demanding as that of this concert. Endowed with a clear and brilliant voice, with perfect precision and cleanliness of intonation, she aroused honest admiration. His timbre of focus on the lyrical moments (“Vissi D’arte”, by Tosca, and “O mio babbino caro”, by Gianni Schicchi) provoked goosebumps. With a well cultivated and projected voice, M. Martí left the sensation of freshness and simplicity in the line of the singing of his extremely pleasant and clean soprano, also in the parts of zarzuelas ("La Tarántula" and "Canción del olvido").
No less attractive was the artistic contribution of baritone Luis Santana, who fully demonstrated his values ​​as a vocalist, with a very dynamic and colorful voice. In the high registers (“Di Provenza”, from La Traviata, and “Canción del Toreador”, from Carmen), the sound characteristic closest to the timbre quality of a tenor could be perceived. Santana's voice has a warm, full-bodied timbre, to which the singer adds a precise dose of pathos and emotion. In the duets with M. Marti (“La ci darem la mano”, by Don Giovanni, “Brindisi Libiamo”, from La Traviata, and “Habanera”, by Don Gil Alcalá), Santana showed impressive flexibility and adequate dynamism.
The JOST, under the baton of maestro Arronis, impressed with very good attention from the young musicians during the difficult art of accompanying the singers. The youngsters also excelled in orchestral performances, such as in the “Intermezzo” of Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana, where the strings of the orchestra maintained delicacy and subtlety, conveying a sense of longing without sentimentality. The fragments of the zarzuelas ”El Bateo” and “Los Leandras” were like peculiar interludes with a cheerful character and full of temperament, typical for zarzuela. Successful performances by the soloists and the orchestra provoked an unusually cordial reception from the audience, which forced the artists to offer two encores: a duet of the “Verbena de la Paloma” and “Brindis Libiamo”.
The cloistered patio of the San Atilano seminary hosted tonight the seventh edition of the Night of the Candles with a lyrical gala of opera and zarzuela wrapped in a magical and intimate atmosphere that once again dazzled the audience.

A very special gala with the soprano Monserrat Martí Caballé, daughter of Monserrat Caballé, together with the mezzo soprano Beatriz Gimeno, the incredible baritone Luis Santana and the no less spectacular Antonio López on piano, the latter two again present at this spectacular night.

After the uncertainty of the previous edition in which the rain almost clouded the night, this time everything has been very different. A warm night that has accompanied these unique voices that have been able to dazzle in all their splendor.

The spectators have been amazed by the staging and have broken into applause at the end of each piece to the delight and pride of the performers.

The cloister of the seminary has been packed, with the public on the balconies and there have even been long queues to enjoy the evening.
Magical evening of Montserrat Martí, Luis Santana and Antonio López at the Municipal Theater of Tomelloso.
The Tomelloso Municipal Theater lived last night, without a doubt, a magical evening. It was with the last concert of the year that the Guillermo González Promúsica Association celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Montserrat Martí, Luis Santana and Antonio López offered an opera and zarzuela recital (magnificent, brilliant, fun) that, despite the football, managed to fill the stalls of the Tomellos coliseum and make the audience enjoy a superb night of music.
Miguel Huertas, in the presentation anticipated a formidable recital (and he did not fall short at all) by a Catalan, a Castilian and an Andalusian in La Mancha. Music, it is already known, does not understand fanaticism. The interpreters were comfortable and that was noticeable and they were also able to transmit it to the public (Who said that Tomelloso's is cold?). With complicity and rapport they sang, laughed and even danced. Up to four encores, no less, they offered to a dedicated theater that applauded wildly.
The night started off well, with "L'amor mio", a song by Donizetti with the velvety voice of Montserrat Martí. The soprano continued with Rossini's “Bolero” to give way to the baritone. Santana sang two Rossini pieces, “Quia voce, quia note” and “Fioraia Fiorentina”. And the first duet of the night came, “La ci darem la mano”, from Mozart's “Don Giovanni”, and it was superb.
After the applause came the first program change. Martí Caballé sang the well-known aria “O mio babbino” from Puccini's “Gianni Schicchi”. The singer took us to places where only music can do it and, of course, she raised applause and bravos from the respectable. Luis Santana dedicated the next piece, “Di Provenza il mar, il suol” from “La Traviata” to the wife of his teacher, Pedro Lavirgen, “who is very ill”. The baritone left us speechless with his range. Another piece from “La Traviata”, the duo of Violeta and Germón brought the first part to an end to the applause of the audience.
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